Discrete Event Model

This module contains the definition of a discrete-event simulation Model. It has an abstract definition DiscreteEventModel that should be extended, implementing its abstract methods.


Creating a model:

class Station(DiscreteEventModel):
    _processing_time: Expression

    def __init__(
        self, dynamic_system: DiscreteEventDynamicSystem, processing_time: Expression
        super().__init__(dynamic_system, state={"parts": 0, "remaining_time": -1})
        self._processing_time = processing_time

    def _internal_state_transition_function(self, state: StationState) -> StationState:
        state["parts"] = max(state["parts"] - 1, 0)
        return state

    def _external_state_transition_function(
        self, state: StationState, inputs: Dict[str, int], event_time: Time
    ) -> StationState:
        values = inputs.values()
        state["remaining_time"] = state["remaining_time"] - event_time
        for number_of_parts in values:
            if state["parts"] > 0:
                state["parts"] = state["parts"] + number_of_parts
            elif state["parts"] == 0:
                state["parts"] = number_of_parts
        return state

    def _time_advance_function(self, state: StationState) -> Time:
        if state["parts"] < 1:
            state["remaining_time"] = Time(-1)
            state["remaining_time"] = Time(self._processing_time.evaluate())
        return state["remaining_time"]

    def _output_function(self, state: StationState) -> int:
        if state["parts"] > 0:
            return 1
        return 0

    def __str__(self):
        return self.get_id()
class gsf.models.models.discrete_event_model.DiscreteEventModel(dynamic_system: DiscreteEventDynamicSystem, name: str = None, state: ModelState = None, entity_manager: EntityManager = None)

Bases: gsf.models.core.base_model.BaseModel

A discrete-event model executes can receive inputs at any time. Each event occurs at a particular instant in time and marks a change of state in the system.

_confluent_state_transition_function(state: Any, inputs: Dict[str, Any])Any


Implements the confluent state transition function delta. The confluent state transition executes an external transition function at the time of an autonomous event.

\delta_{con} \; : \; S \; x \; X \longrightarrow S

  • state (ModelState) – Current state of the model.

  • inputs (ModelInput) – Input trajectory x.

abstract _external_state_transition_function(state: Any, inputs: Dict[str, Any], event_time: decimal.Decimal)Any

\delta_{ext}((s,e), x)

Implements the external state transition function delta. The external state transition function computes the next state of the model from its current total state (s,e) Q at time of an input and the input itself.

\delta_{ext} \; : \; Q \; x \; X \longrightarrow S

  • state (ModelState) – Current state of the model.

  • inputs (ModelInput) – Input trajectory x.

  • event_time (float) – Time of event e.

abstract _internal_state_transition_function(state: Any)Any


Implements the internal state transition function delta. The internal state transition function takes the system from its state at the time of the autonomous event to a subsequent state.

\delta_{int} \; : \; S \longrightarrow S


state (ModelState) – Current state of the model.

abstract _output_function(state: Any)Any

\lambda \; (s)

Implements the output function lambda. The output function describes how the state of the system appears to an observer when e=ta(s).

\lambda \; : \; S \; \longrightarrow Y


state (ModelState) – current state s of the model.

abstract _time_advance_function(state: Any)decimal.Decimal


Implement the model’s time advance function ta. The time advance function schedules output from the model and autonomous changes in its state.

ta \; : \; S \longrightarrow R_{0^\infty}


state (ModelState) – Current state of the system.


Adds a model as an input for the current model in the dynamic system and returns the model added.


Gets the output of the model.


Gets the time of the next autonomous event.


Schedules an autonomous event


time (float) – Time when the event will be executed.


Executes the state transition using the state given by the state transition function. If there are no inputs is an internal transition, otherwise it is an external transition.

  • inputs (ModelInput) – Input trajectory x. If it is None, the state transition is autonomous

  • event_time (Time) – Time of the event. If there are inputs and the time is ta(s), it is an confluent transition.


Unscheduled an autonomous event